The original forum thread includes all the changes and is still being updated as I write this! Uber Epic Mod Spore More Parts Mod The latest version is 1.8, highly recommended if you want your game to step into the future.ġ) Creature stage is longer, 3 additional DNA points when feeding, increased flying speed and less Sea Monster annoyance, increased Jump height, more realistic hunger bar.Ģ) Space stage has many changes like more cargo space, halved frequency of pirates/raids/natural disasters, no penalty for Grox-allying, no Galactic-code penalties, one million starting money and tons more!ģ) General changes like new spices, permanent temperature changes, camera tweaks and new turret weapons. It is another overhaul mod but much bigger than Better Spore, with a myriad of additions to various stages, particularly to the creature and space stages. Platinum Spore is still being updated and the mod’s site is still maintained by Vexx32, maker of Platinum Spore and site-owner. Visit this “Strategy-Informer' page for a comprehensive list of changes. Some of the important features of Better Spore are:ġ) Increased complexity limits in the game’s editors.Ģ) More involved, more complex and longer stages: Creature stage is adjusted requiring more DNA per brain level, Tribal stage has increased health points and starting food and Space Stage allows for increased difficulty, more varied economy and purchase of the Staff of life.ģ) New items and weapons, like Ultra Proton-Missile, Ultra Bomb, Ultra Blaster and Staff of the Apocalypse.

It is a mod created by community users “Ball Lightning,' “Kittani' and some others. Better Spore is considered an overhaul mod since it adds considerable changes to gameplay, makes changes to the game’s economy and provides a wealth of new content.